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Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Planning Your Weekend

Like most people I know, I look forward for my weekend. It's the time for me to relax and do nothing. I usually look at my list of movies and just watch them the whole day. My agenda for the weekend usually looks like this:

Recently, I realized that the best way to enjoy my weekend is make the most out of it. So I decided to plan my weekend. I used my Trello Board and placed one column to contain all activities for my weekend. It looks like this:

I realized that a well spent weekend is key to gaining momentum for next week. Last weekend, I planned 4 hours of work just to digitize my personal documents. It was an amazing feeling to complete that project. 

The key to make the most of my weekend is to plan parts of it. Yes I still leave room for spontaniety but I make sure I plan on how to have an exciting weekend.

I am ecstatic thinking about my weekend. I find determining the things I want to do and listing them down exciting.

I encourage you to plan your weekend. Don't leave your activities to what you feel like doing at that moment. Plan it and find yourself enjoying more your break than just spending 12 hours in front of a TV set.

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My ubiquitous capture tool.

If you are familiar with GTD or Getting Things Done you probably heard of 'ubiquitous capture' the idea is to have a way for you to capture ideas, to do, style, dates, and others so that it will not wander in your conscious mind.

Try this exercise: 
1. Get a pen and a sheet of paper.
2. Go to a comfortable place (a quite one would be better)
3. Unload anything and everything that tou think you need to do or that are important to you by writing them in that sheet of paper.

You will find yourself freer and more creative. The idea is to fee your conscious mind from anything so that you will be ready for new things.

This is the reason why you need to have a ubiquitous capturing tool. For years, i have used notebooks to capture things. I sometimes find them inadequate but most of the time it works for me. Now, i use my smartphone to help me do that.

I recently found a tool that helps me in my life and work. It's called Trello board.

I call my board Office and the universe.

It contains what is on my mind and what is the needed context for that action.

You can try using the concept of ubiquitous capture and free your mind from taking mental to do list.

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Sunday, July 13, 2014
Eyes on the board - guide in overcoming adversity.

It is puzzling when you see two people start out in financial trouble and you see one person say, "Never again! This will be the lowest point in my life. I will strive and become better!" while you see the other person fall into self pity.

I believe that each one of us has the capacity to overcome difficult odds. Deep inside of us is an unquenchable fire to overcome adversity. I also believe that each one of us has a breaking point, a point when we think we could not take it anymore. But even in that very moment there is a voice in our heart that asks, "What if I will not give up now?". 

Me and my wife, Joyce, have a saying that helps us persists in hard times and it is this, "eyes on the board". When we are discouraged that saying is reminding us where we are focusing in. "Eyes on the board" mean pay attention on the right things. It is easy to get discourage if your attention is on the problem so we encourage each other by saying, "Sweety, eyes on the board." It can mean that we are focusing too much on the problem and not on the solution. 

Recently, we went into some financial problems. It was discouraging and disheartening. But we know that if we persist we will eventually get out of it and we will be on better position. We kept reminding each other to set our eyes off the problem but the solution and the ultimate outcome. It was difficult but it helped us gain a bitter perspective.

We may not have a choice on the circumstance we are in but we have a choice on what we focus on. Eyes on the board!
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Creative consulting Anita's Story

I am staring at this pieces of papers in a coffee shop together with Dr. Marites Khanser and her assistant and I am told that these are research materials for the book titled, Anita's Story. 

I am now serving as Dr. Khanser's creative consultant. I am not quite sure how I came to be a consultant or what is it that I really do. All I know is I get called to provide suggestions on how to approach a book project. This is not the first time that this happened because I also did this on another book titled, The Lost Disk.

It is quite an honor to be doing this project. Madam Anita is very prominent figure in our city. She is the owner of Anita's bakeshop. I have not personally met her but she seemed very interesting and very wise.

Maybe once this book is finished I will be able to meet her.

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Saturday, July 12, 2014
Digitise your Personal Documents.

After working for a huge corporation for the past 10 years, I found myself with a bunch of stuffs most of them documents that I deemed important. I actually took a photo of my office one last time and as you can see I have boxes on the floor that contains documents that I have not processed. I actually had two huge pile of stuffs. Because I didn't have the time to process them I just placed everything on the box.

This taught me two lessons:
1. Bring only what you use in the office.
2. Digitise documents as much as you can.

This post is about the second lesson: Digitise documents as much as you can. Over the years I have accumulated documents in the form of applications, contracts, receipts, billing statements, and etc. As much as I tried to sort and throw away as much as I can I always end up getting a bunch of paper documents that I don't know if I can throw them away.

Let me share to you what I did with my documents.

I started with this folders and envelops.

I have to say that I was force to do a pre-work in processing my documents as my new employer asked me some requirements and documentation that I have to swim through my box and searched for them. In the process I was able to throw away some documents that I don't really need.

Since I could not do this during the weekdays I decided to spend the whole afternoon on a Saturday to process this.

Here are the tools you need to do this:
1. Mobile phone or camera
2. Laptop (if you can do everything in your mobile phone then you don't need this)
3. Cloud Server (there are companies that offers free space like Google Drive, Evernote, and Dropbox)
4. Internet connection.

Step 1. Group you documents per context.
In my case, I separated contracts, credentials, certificates, receipts, and others.

Step 2. Take photos of each document. Make sure the you are getting a very clear image.

Step 3. Upload the photos (using your laptop or mobile phone) to a Cloud Server. I am using Google Drive. This is the screenshot of my drive.

I titled my cloud folder "Digital Self" and then created separate folders per category. One thing I like about Google Drive is that you can later on go to your email's search bar and just search for your document and it will come up easy. I heard and read about how this works with Evernote and Dropbox also but I have not used them.

Step 4. Rename / label the uploaded document for easy search later on.

There are tools now that actually uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to help you do convert your documents as a word document but you need to pay for them. If you have the means then it is a good way to make sure that your document is searchable.

Do this for every document in your pile. And in the process throw away documents that you think you will not use.

Once you are able to digitise your documents you can now keep them in one place and have the peace of mind that you now have a digital back-up in case the original documents gets lost/stolen.

Putting them in a cloud server enables you to access them as soon as you are connected to the internet.

There you have it. Happy digitising your documents!

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Friday, May 23, 2014
Moving OUT soon!!

I am making a big move in relation to my career this year. I did not planned this one out but I think this is a good move for me. I am thrilled of this decision and I hope this will pan out properly. I cannot announce it yet since I am still finalizing something.

A friend of mine asked help for a start up company that he will be establishing this year. I am also excited to see how I can help him on that but I see that as an opportunity for me to grow.

The past months I've tried listening to audio books since I cannot easily finish reading books paperback or kindle. So far I've finished:
1. Five Love Languages
My boss/ninong actually lent me this book but it was just sitting there in the house. I decided to get the audio version of the book and listened to it. It took me a week to finish it as I only listen to it when I am in the car.

The Five Languages are:
1. Gifts
2. Words of Affirmation
3. Quality Time
4. Physical Touch
5. Acts of Services

These are not means to manipulate the people you love but communicate with to them that they are loved.

I recommend this book to everyone especially for married couples.

2. The Shack

I bought a paperback version of this book few years ago. I read it on my flight from US to the Philippines.It blew my mind and I cried so many times.

It has changed the way I view my spiritual walk.

I decided to listen to the audio version and it is quite as good. I totally enjoyed this book.

3. How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day

I first saw this book while I was in college and I have long been curious what are concepts behind the cover. If you are trying to learn more about the person, Leonardo da Vinci, this is NOT the book for you. But if you want to have a good enjoyable read and learn new things in the area of wine drinking, classical music, mind maps, and other various topics then this book is for you.

If you are interested what are the Seven Steps to Genius here they are from (

  1. Curiosita: An insatiably curious approach to life.
  2. Dimonstratzione: A commitment to test knowledge through experience.
  3. Sensazione: The continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, as the means to clarify experience.
  4. Sfumato: A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.
  5. Arte/Scienza: The development of the balance between science and art, logic and imagination ("whole-brain thinking").
  6. Corporalita: The cultivation of ambidexterity, fitness, and poise.
  7. Connessione: A recognition and appreciation for the connectedness of all things and phenomena; "systems thinking."

I am currently listening to the following:
1. Body Language: What you need to know.

One of the very first books that I've read was about body language. Sadly I forgot the title of that little book. I was really good. I learned a lot of tricks from that book. 

I am hoping I can get more from this one. 

I found that there is another book on this subject that I may want to read in the future:

2. Divergent.

I wanted some variety on the books that I listen to so I listened to this one. One of the considerations I had in picking this book is that this is now a motion picture but I did not watch this on the cinema. I want to listen to this book and watch it on DVD.

Here are few books on queue: 
1. Power of Right Believing by Joseph Prince

This is Pastor Joseph Prince's new book. It's hard to listen to it because it is not Pastor Prince who is reading it and I am used to listening to Joseph Prince's passionate words.

But I will try again until I complete this book.

2. Breakout by Joel Osteen.

I have a hard time completing this book. It was just sitting there on my Audible app. I purchased this last year and I could not finish it. I will try once more.

3.  UNSTUFF Your Life!
I picked this book because I want to learn how to organize my stuff but I could not finish it also. :)

4. Kotter books - Leading Change and Heart of Change.

5. Lead with a Story 

In conclusion, I want to find time for me to read all of these books for my personal enjoyment and satisfaction. This reminds me of one of Solomon's advice : "On making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body."

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Thursday, February 27, 2014
Messed up last week.

I messed up last week. I thought I could finally hit my daily goal which is 4000 Nike Fuel points. I was not able to do that because I did not put an effort to complete the goal.
 This is my result on the week of February 10:

This is my result last week (Feb 17):

The difference is almost 2000 points.

This week I am looking at probably the same output. I actually skipped two days of exercise (Monday and Tuesday).

Here's a snapshot of my progress so far. This is not looking good but I will work on this one.

Consistency is when you try again when you lose your rhythm. 
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Monday, February 17, 2014
Fitness Update

Since late last year, my focus has been improving my fitness life. I've been on a sedentary lifestyle (title of my blog) for a long time.  Last week was my second week of my T25 Challenge it was really an active week.

I set a goal of 4000 points (Nike Fuel)  per week and was able to hit 3 of the 7 days of the week. This week I am aiming for 7 out 7 points. :) Is that cool?

This is me vs Nike Fuel community:

I think I am on the right track.:)

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014
What's the RIGHT Question?

People are looking for answers to get through life. But do you know that sometimes it is not just about getting answers but also framing the right questions? In fact, our answers are framed by the questions we ask to ourselves. Some people ask themselves, "Why am I unattractive?" And guess what they come up with 5 to 10 reasons why the are unattractive. Our brain can come up with answers to any question. It will spill out anything we ask of it. Here's another question, "Why do I ALWAYS fail?" Now, as strange as it may sound if you ask it to yourself you will come up with answers to that question. Here's a different question, "Why did I fail JUST NOW?" Now both questions talks about failure but one has ALWAYS on it while the other has JUST NOW on it. The answer that will come up are different. One question is judging the character of the person while the other is judging the event.

Successful people ask the the RIGHT questions. The right questions are framed not to judge a person but focus on making a change. Here one powerful question that a highly successful individual asks:

What can I do? 
This question is powerful because it focuses on the Circle of Influence (things that we can control) rather than the things we cannot control.  When people are in a tight and tough situation, they usually ask, "Why did this happen to me?" And they come up with different answers. And whatever answer they come up with, it will less likely to move them forward from that situation. The tendency is to blame others for your situation. When you ask, "What can I do?" You are taking the responsibility so you can move forward.

One of my favorite example is this guy, Nick Vujicic. If you've been living under a rock for the past decade, Nick was born without arms and legs. If you ask me, he is in a very hard situation. He has all the excuses int he world to quit. In fact, if he quits this life, we will probably understand him. But he asked the right question: What can I do?

We do not know his answer to that question but he went on to inspire thousands (probably millions) of people around the world. He wrote books about his journey and even got married. Last year, he had a child. Isn't that crazy? I believe he moved forward because he asked the right question. He started looking for the things he can change and the difference he can make.

The other example I would like to share is what happened in the Philippines last year during the super typhoon Haiyan. After the typhoon, the central part of the Philippines was devastated. People lost their homes and some lost lives. Some people asked, "What is the government doing?" While some asked, "What can I do?" And these are the people who went out to the devastated place and made a difference. Not only that they inspired others to helped out as well.

We are capable of doing greater things. We just need to ask, "What difference can we do?" You might be facing a hard situation now. Ask, "What can I do?" Refrain from putting the responsibility and blame on other people. Ask the right question and discover a part of yourself that can make a difference.

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Monday, February 10, 2014
How to ZERO your Inbox?

For years now I've been working on how to manage my inbox. I was introduced to this concept after reading and listening to David Allen. The guy is a productivity genius. I started listening to his talk and buying his book titled Getting Things Done and Ready for Anything. I have not finished Ready for Anything but I did read and reviewed Getting Things Done (GTD). I think I wrote one or two articles about it but during that time, I have not fully implemented GTD to my own Inbox. The system works but it does not always work with my personality. I also struggled with consistency in the past but now I think I was able to handle it.

If you are a beginner in GTD, I encourage you to read the book but you may proceed with this article without reading it. Let me give you the GTD workflow from David Allen Co:

Trace it and it is very simple. You can actually follow this workflow and not read the book. But if you want to know the WHYs of doing it then read the book.

I did a modified version of this and If you are curious how I applied this in my Inbox please read on. Here's my implementation of GTD.

Tools: Gmail, notebook, and pen.
Focus on: What does DONE look like and What's Next action.
Friends: Delete and Archive buttons 

Step #1. Archive your old emails. If you have thousands of email, I encourage you to check all emails excluding the email you have for the day and move them to Archive. Now, you might be asking, "Why would I do that?" and "What happens if I missed something?" Let's deal with this valid questions right here:

1. Why would I do that? - You need to manage your inbox and you do that by reading all emails in your inbox. I am guessing you do not have the time to read them all. Archiving it is the best way to manage it. You can also delete all emails. I did this once and it did not got me into trouble.

2.What happens if I missed something? - You are already missing a lot of emails because you do not have a system to manage them. Yes there is a risk but you will soon find out that it's not a huge risk to take. You are also just sending them to archive so you did not really lose them. Moving them there means they are out of sight and therefore out of mind. 

Think of moving your old mails to archive as starting over.

Step #2. Read all email that you received within the day. Then decide what action needs to be done on each one.
Example: Announcement emails. Is there an action that needs to be done here? If not, delete the email (do not archive).
If there is an action, ask yourself, What is does DONE look like on this action? If you can do it in 2-minutes then do it (2-Minute Rule) otherwise, write the action on your notebook then archive the email.

Step #3. End with an empty Inbox. If you do Step #2, you should have an empty inbox and a notebook containing all the needed action that needs to happen. If your Inbox is not empty, go back to Step #2.

Step #4. Work on your notebook. Start from the top to the bottom. If you cannot do an item as of the moment because it needs to you be in another location or in need of a tool that is not available for you, you need to skip it (for now) and them move to the next. 

Question: Don't I need to prioritize this list? If you want to, DO IT. If not, you should be able to cover everything within the day. If another action needs to happen after you act on an item in your list, simply add them on your notebook.

Step #5. Check you email at most two times everyday. You just need to update your list. But you don't have to keep checking your list. It's counter-productive to check you email every time.

This should keep your inbox clean and keep you focus on what needs to be done.

Other things you should do is to unsubscribe to emails that you don't really read. This lowers your email intake and saves you time.

I hope this helps you become productive in your career and personal life. What you will notice is that your mind is free from work and worries because you know that all the things you need to do is now in your notebook. :) This is my GTD implementation and it works for me.

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Week 2. T25 Challenge. Off to an active week.

This is week 2 of the T25 Challenge. I am happy to say that I was able to feel the improvement for Cardio. Last week, I did Cardio twice and in both cases I could not finish it. But today, I was able to complete the exercise. I did shifted to modifier a couple of times but overall I am so satisfied with my performance.

What I did was to wake up 6-6:15am and then change to a some workout clothes and start the workout video. So far, I was able to follow through. I did miss getting my stats but I can do that today without messing up the data. I will share the data soon. I also would like to take a picture of myself shirtless. hahahaha.. I've been dreaming about posting a before and after shot on this blog. But more importantly, document the physical improvement that I will be getting on this program.

Let me end this article with my workout calendar and progress report: (don't mind the colors, I started  using RED but I am thinking it means stop or AT RISK (in project planning lingo) so I shifted to GREEN which means go or on-track.)

This is the Alpha calendar so that means there's Beta and Gamma calendar that will help me build my dream body. :)

I am excited and I can't wait to just see a better version of me. :)
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